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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for the URL Shortener Project

  • What is a URL Shortener?

    A URL Shortener is a tool that converts long URLs into shorter ones, making them easier to share and use on the internet.

  • How long can links be active in your service?

    Links in our service are active for three months from the date of creation. After this period, the link will be automatically disabled.

  • What types of users are considered when counting link clicks?

    We count unique user clicks based on IP addresses: - Unregistered users: each link created by them can have up to 10 unique clicks. - Registered users: each link created by them can have up to 10,000 unique clicks.

  • How can I find out the number of clicks on my link?

    Information about the number of unique clicks is available in the "Link Statistics" section on the page of each link you created. There, the total number of unique clicks on the given short link is displayed.

  • How is data security and privacy ensured?

    We store hashed IP addresses of users only in the context of created links to ensure security and prevent abuse. These data cannot be restored to their original values and are not used to identify specific users. We do not store any other personal data of users.

  • What materials are prohibited from being shared through your service?

    According to German law, it is prohibited to share links to materials containing: - Content that infringes copyright and intellectual property rights. - Promotion of violence, hatred, and discrimination of any kind. - Child pornography and materials depicting sexual violence. - Materials promoting extremism and terrorism. - False information and defamation. - Other materials prohibited by German law. We strictly monitor compliance with these rules and reserve the right to remove any links that violate these requirements without prior notice.

  • What happens to my link after it expires?

    After the expiration period, the link will be disabled and will no longer work. We recommend creating a new short link if it is still needed.

  • Can I extend the expiration period of my link?

    Currently, there is no automatic renewal system for the expiration period of links. After the period expires, you can create a new short link.

  • What are the benefits for registered users?

    Registered users have access to advanced features: - Visit statistics. - Link password protection. - QR code generation. - Unlimited number of links. - Up to 10,000 unique clicks per link.

  • What are the limitations for unregistered users?

    Unregistered users can create up to 10 links per day. Their links can receive up to 10 unique clicks. They do not have access to link password protection, QR code generation, and visit statistics features.